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Re: [tor-bugs] #2428 [Torbutton]: nytimes.com login page loads after Torbutton toggled

#2428: nytimes.com login page loads after Torbutton toggled
 Reporter:  rransom    |       Owner:  mikeperry     
     Type:  defect     |      Status:  new           
 Priority:  blocker    |   Milestone:                
Component:  Torbutton  |     Version:  Torbutton: 1.3
 Keywords:             |      Points:  10            
   Parent:             |  

Comment(by mikeperry):

 rransom: Since you have a semi-custom setup, and you can easily reproduce
 it, can you set torbutton's extensions.torbutton.loglevel to 2, and its
 logmethod to 0 and redirect Firefox's stdout for a few repro cases?

 Since NYTImes doesn't always display a login page, can you try to also
 capture either that html, and/or use a request logger like Live HTTP
 Headers or Tamper Data to see exactly what requests are grabbed and when?

 This doesn't seem to reproduce for me, so I'm at a loss. I'm guessing its
 some form of redirect timer that perhaps lives in a webthread that we
 don't effectively close after the toggle? Hence I need to see the
 source/request log for when nytimes does actually decide to even give you
 a login page.

Ticket URL: <https://trac.torproject.org/projects/tor/ticket/2428#comment:5>
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