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Re: [tor-bugs] #2394 [Metrics]: Visualize self-reported vs. measured bandwidth of relays

#2394: Visualize self-reported vs. measured bandwidth of relays
  Reporter:  mikeperry    |              Owner:  karsten
      Type:  enhancement  |             Status:  new    
  Priority:  normal       |          Milestone:         
 Component:  Metrics      |            Version:         
  Keywords:               |             Parent:         
    Points:               |   Actualpointsdone:         
Pointsdone:               |       Actualpoints:         

Comment(by arma):

 > observation 1 is that there are basically no unmeasured guards
 <mikeperry> is that spike at 1 due to unmeasured exits?
 > yes, i think so.

 > so more than half of the guards are measured at better than their
 > 60% or so
 > whereas more than half the exits and middles are measured at less
 > i wonder if the guards that are measured as better are that way because
 recently became guards so they don't have as much load yet

Ticket URL: <https://trac.torproject.org/projects/tor/ticket/2394#comment:12>
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