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Re: [tor-bugs] #5132 [Translations]: Transifex exports empty android strings

#5132: Transifex exports empty android strings
 Reporter:  n8fr8         |          Owner:  runa, gsathya
     Type:  defect        |         Status:  new          
 Priority:  normal        |      Milestone:               
Component:  Translations  |        Version:               
 Keywords:  transifex     |         Parent:               
   Points:                |   Actualpoints:               

Comment(by runa):

 From #transifex on irc.freenode.net:

 < mpessas> runasand: Just checked the code, we have not activated this,
 but the idea is that the developer would get the file with the empty
 strings replaced with the english (source) ones
 < runasand> so when you download a 50% spanish translation, the file would
 actually be 50% spanish and 50% english - not 50% blank? :)
 < mpessas> runasand: Right, that is the idea
 < mpessas> runasand: It is a one-liner, I just need to ask other android
 developers on that, too first
 < mpessas> runasand: We will enable support for such an option in the
 client, too (a new version is due within the next day)

 n8fr8; if this is the solution you want, let me know and I'll pass it on
 to the Transifex developers.

Ticket URL: <https://trac.torproject.org/projects/tor/ticket/5132#comment:2>
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