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Re: [tor-bugs] #14804 [Stem]: Confusing arguments to run_tests.py

#14804: Confusing arguments to run_tests.py
     Reporter:  Sebastian  |      Owner:  atagar
         Type:  defect     |     Status:  new
     Priority:  normal     |  Milestone:
    Component:  Stem       |    Version:
   Resolution:             |   Keywords:
Actual Points:             |  Parent ID:
       Points:             |

Comment (by atagar):

 On reflection the '-t' alias isn't related at all to what you're talking
 about. Anyway,

 You're actually highlighting a couple more interesting usability issue.
 Those are now fixed too...

 Balk if provided unrecognized arguments].
 Keep the default run target if none were provided].

 Stem's integration test targets are split into two camps...

  * **Run targets**, which all start with 'RUN_'. Think of these as a
 torrc. Each one you provide means we do a run of our integration tests, so
 '--target RUN_COOKIE,RUN_PASSWORD' would run our tests twice. You can use
 'RUN_ALL' to do all of them.

  * **Attribute targets** like 'ONLINE' and 'CHROOT'. These change
 characteristics of the test runs but aren't a separate run of their own.

 When you provided '--target ONLINE' it replaced our default run target,
 which is why the tests became a no-op. If only attribute targets are
 provided we now keep the default so this should behave and you expected.

 Thanks for the catches!

Ticket URL: <https://trac.torproject.org/projects/tor/ticket/14804#comment:2>
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