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Re: [tor-bugs] #29494 [Core Tor/Tor]: Optimize interaction between circuitmux and circuitpadding
#29494: Optimize interaction between circuitmux and circuitpadding
Reporter: mikeperry | Owner: mikeperry
Type: enhancement | Status: assigned
Priority: Medium | Milestone:
Component: Core Tor/Tor | Version:
Severity: Normal | Resolution:
Keywords: wtf-pad | Actual Points:
Parent ID: | Points: 5
Reviewer: | Sponsor: Sponsor2
Comment (by mikeperry):
Ok, so for simplicity, lying to circpad seems like the right move. If the
queue is full, its going to be wrong anyway..
However, the second piece of this ticket is about when to tell circpad
that a padding cell or normal cell was sent. Right now, we tell circpad
that a padding cell was sent as soon as its callback to send it fires (via
circpad_cell_event_padding_sent() from
circpad_send_padding_cell_for_callback()). With respect to the wire, this
is incorrect because the cell may still wait around in a circuitmux queue
for a long time before being sent. This delay may cause the padding system
to decide to send another padding packet before the one it just sent even
hits the wire.
Similarly, we call circpad_cell_event_nonpadding_sent() from
circpad_deliver_sent_relay_cell_events() (via
relay_send_command_from_edge_()) and from
circpad_deliver_unrecognized_cell_events() (via
circuit_receive_relay_cell()). These calls are *also* before the cell is
added to the circuitmux queue. This means that circuitpadding may schedule
padding timers for additional padding that fire before the actual data
packet makes it through the queue.
In both cases, this will lead to more padding added to the circuit than we
wanted to. Worse, it means more padding added to *already busy, saturated,
and/or stalled circuits*, which is...not a good look.
I think the right solution is to make these circpad_cell_event_*_sent()
callbacks from channel_flush_from_first_active_circuit(), possibly right
after the cell is popped from the queue. This will be about as accurate as
we can get, because right after this it goes into the outbuf and should
get sent by KIST within ~10ms, give or take TCP congestion.
The difficulty with this is that circpad needs to know if this cell is
padding or not. Since the cell has already been encrypted, we can't just
inspect the relay command field anymore. We need to add an additional
bitfield to packed_cell_t. 1 bit should suffice, though. All we need to
know is is_padding or not.. But we need to set that bitfield in the
relay_send_command_from_edge_() call, where the relay cell padding command
is set. Otherwise the bitfield flag should remain 0.
Ticket URL: <https://trac.torproject.org/projects/tor/ticket/29494#comment:1>
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