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Re: [tor-bugs] #3374 [Torouter]: Torouter OS and configuration

#3374: Torouter OS and configuration
 Reporter:  runa      |          Owner:  runa
     Type:  task      |         Status:  new 
 Priority:  normal    |      Milestone:      
Component:  Torouter  |        Version:      
 Keywords:            |         Parent:      
   Points:            |   Actualpoints:      

Comment(by runa):

 Replying to [comment:6 cypherpunks]:
 > I propose that we ship the following debian packages:
 > {{{
 > http://packages.debian.org/squeeze/denyhosts
 > http://packages.debian.org/squeeze/openssh-server
 > http://packages.debian.org/squeeze/cron-apt
 > }}}

 Sure, looks good.

 > I propose that we ship the following Tor Project packages and work to
 get them into Debian ASAP:
 > {{{
 > ttdnsd
 > }}}

 I see that some work has already been done to package this for Debian
 (there's a Debian directory in the ttdnsd.git repository). What's the
 status of that?

 Also, I believe that tsocks (which ttdnsd depends on) is out of date and
 that we should use torsocks instead. Thoughts?

 > We need to package a few things for this process to work.
 > clockspeed needs to be packaged:
 > http://cr.yp.to/clockspeed.html
 > http://thedjbway.b0llix.net/clocksd/index.html
 > We'd need to install daemontools for clockspeed and this is already
 supported on Debian.
 > An alternative that I trust less is OpenNTPD but it is already packaged:
 > {{{
 > openntpd
 > }}}

 Why do you trust it less?

 > We'll also need the most recent 0.2.3.x Tor release as a Debian package,
 specifically we need to build it with tor-fw-helper. This means that we
 need to package the upnp and natpmp shared libraries.

 I assume weasel is the person to ask regarding Debian packages for
 0.2.3.x. Do you want to package upnp and natpmp?

Ticket URL: <https://trac.torproject.org/projects/tor/ticket/3374#comment:9>
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