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[tor-bugs] #1517 [Tor-Torbutton]: Torbutton should randomize times from Date()

#1517: Torbutton should randomize times from Date()
 Reporter:  mikeperry      |       Owner:     
     Type:  enhancement    |      Status:  new
 Priority:  normal         |   Milestone:     
Component:  Tor-Torbutton  |     Version:     
 Keywords:                 |  
 To help reduce information available to fingerprinting, we should
 randomize the values returned from Date(). I've never thought this was a
 useful thing to do before, because Tor latency is high enough and variable
 enough that most machines using NTP should be well concealed within the

 However, but bug #1261 brings up a good point about javascript being able
 to measure the time intervals of various things (such as typing, but
 really it could be anything) to produce a fingerprint.

Ticket URL: <https://trac.torproject.org/projects/tor/ticket/1517>
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