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Re: [tor-bugs] #2536 [Tor Relay]: Disable outgoing token bucket and reduce token bucket refill interval

#2536: Disable outgoing token bucket and reduce token bucket refill interval
 Reporter:  karsten      |          Owner:  karsten           
     Type:  enhancement  |         Status:  assigned          
 Priority:  normal       |      Milestone:  Tor: 0.2.3.x-final
Component:  Tor Relay    |        Version:                    
 Keywords:               |         Parent:                    
   Points:               |   Actualpoints:                    

Comment(by Flo):

 Thanks for your replies.

 Replying to [comment:15 nickm]:
 > This sounds promising!  I think an approach like this could totally
 work.  Let's get it written up in a proposal form, and get some code
 written.  Since I have been so remiss in reviewing this promptly, I'll
 take on writing the first draft of the proposal unless somebody else wants
 to do it first.  I think I could get it done early next week.  (If
 somebody else wants to take a shot at it instead then I would be grateful,
 but at this point I really ought to do something to make up for my

 If you haven't already started writing the proposal, I can come up with a
 draft. Just to make sure I got you right: You would like to split up both
 ideas -- (1) new approach on token bucket refilling and (2) reduction of
 refill intervals -- so that we also have two separate proposal documents
 in the end. Ist that right?

 > Karsten, did your branch manage to separate the finer-grained-ticks part
 from the rest of the code?  If so, we should really just open a new ticket
 for that: it ought to be mergeable independently.

 One of my students already started implementing our modified idea. At the
 moment we are in the state of debuging and testing it. As soon as this
 will be finished, I am going to merge it into Karsten's current branch.
 Hopefully this can be done next week.

 Concerning the other comments and notes (algorithm improvements, unlimited
 connections, libevent 2.3.x), we are going to discuss them and try to find
 a solution on that.

Ticket URL: <https://trac.torproject.org/projects/tor/ticket/2536#comment:17>
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