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Re: [tor-bugs] #27511 [Applications/Tor Browser]: Add New identity button to toolbar

#27511: Add New identity button to toolbar
 Reporter:  isnaiter                             |          Owner:  tbb-
                                                 |  team
     Type:  enhancement                          |         Status:
                                                 |  reopened
 Priority:  High                                 |      Milestone:
Component:  Applications/Tor Browser             |        Version:
 Severity:  Normal                               |     Resolution:
 Keywords:  ux-team, tbb-newnym, tbb-9.0-must-   |  Actual Points:
  alpha, TorBrowserTeam201909                    |
Parent ID:  #10760                               |         Points:  0.5
 Reviewer:                                       |        Sponsor:
                                                 |  Sponsor9

Comment (by gk):

 Replying to [comment:15 antonela]:
 > A while ago, I dropped some ideas at a similar TBA ticket.
 > https://trac.torproject.org/projects/tor/ticket/28800#comment:8
 > What do you think?

 I think that comment makes sense to me. I am totally fine with renaming
 that feature as "New Identity" might be a concept that's too hard to
 grasp. So, anything that's easier here to understand and does the same
 under the hood is a win in my opinion.

 For the remaining dev questions:
 1) ephemeral tabs: that could be an idea but we should discuss it in a
 different ticket, not one related to new identity as I would assume both
 might live together in the browser (i.e. the ephemeral tabs would not
 replace New Identity)

 2) New Identity on TBA: Yes, TBA should replicate the behavior as we have
 it on desktop (although that's not relevant for this bug)

 3) New Identity without closing the window: I am afraid it's already hard
 to get rid of all browser state the way we are doing it right now. So, to
 be sure we get rid of all window state the only option we have so far is
 closing the window and create a new one. We might get away from that
 requirement if we audited all the relevant parts properly but that's a
 tricky task and would definitely be something for a new ticket.

 > When do you think users need a New Identity?

 That's hard to generalize as it depends on the browsing behavior and
 context they are in, whether they have JavaScript enabled, whether they
 shut down their Tor Browser regularly anyway because they power down their
 laptop at least once a day etc. I think it could be worth answering that
 question in the context of different personas instead of in a generalized

 > When do you think users actually *use* a New Identity?

 Dunno. Right now probably not very often as it is buried in some menu
 (which I hope we can change by putting it on the toolbar). I think users
 knowing about the concept might use it if they don't want to have sessions
 where the logged in correlated (e.g. after doing their online banking and
 getting asked by the bank to close the tab/session).

Ticket URL: <https://trac.torproject.org/projects/tor/ticket/27511#comment:16>
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