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[tor-commits] [stem/master] Running tests based on input arguments

commit 3dd9ea0d9222ddf22e63c7f5dcf8e7032e6fb494
Author: Damian Johnson <atagar@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
Date:   Sat Oct 8 16:04:08 2011 -0700

    Running tests based on input arguments
    Making the test runner accept arguments for the type of tests to be ran. The
    integration tests especially will take a while when they're implemented so
    letting the user specify the use cases for those.
    This included copying and refactoring some basic utilities from arm for
    enumerations and terminal text attributes.
 run_tests.py          |  102 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++-
 stem/types.py         |    2 +-
 stem/util/__init__.py |    6 ++
 stem/util/enum.py     |  150 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
 stem/util/term.py     |   57 +++++++++++++++++++
 5 files changed, 314 insertions(+), 3 deletions(-)

diff --git a/run_tests.py b/run_tests.py
index 9debfc2..e1c0811 100755
--- a/run_tests.py
+++ b/run_tests.py
@@ -4,10 +4,108 @@
 Runs unit and integration tests.
+import sys
+import getopt
 import unittest
 import test.unit.version
+from stem.util import enum, term
+OPT = "uit:h"
+OPT_EXPANDED = ["unit", "integ", "targets=", "help"]
+DIVIDER = "=" * 80
+# Configurations that the intergration tests can be ran with. Attributs are
+# tuples of the test runner and description.
+TARGETS = enum.Enum(*[(v, v) for v in ("NONE", "NO_CONTROL", "NO_AUTH", "COOKIE", "PASSWORD", "SOCKET")])
+  TARGETS.NONE: (None, "No running tor instance."),
+  TARGETS.NO_CONTROL: (None, "Basic client, no control port or socket."),
+  TARGETS.NO_AUTH: (None, "Basic client, control port with no authenticaion."),
+  TARGETS.COOKIE: (None, "Basic client, control port with cookie authenticaion."),
+  TARGETS.PASSWORD: (None, "Basic client, control port wiht password authentication."),
+  TARGETS.SOCKET: (None, "Basic client, control socket."),
+HELP_MSG = """Usage runTests.py [OPTION]
+Runs tests for the stem library.
+  -u, --unit      runs unit tests
+  -i, --integ     runs integration tests
+  -t, --target    comma separated list of tor configurations to use for the
+                    integration tests (all are used by default)
+  -h, --help      presents this help
+  Integration targets:
+    %s
 if __name__ == '__main__':
-  suite = unittest.TestLoader().loadTestsFromTestCase(test.unit.version.TestVerionFunctions)
-  unittest.TextTestRunner(verbosity=2).run(suite)
+  run_unit_tests = False
+  run_integ_tests = False
+  integ_targets = TARGETS.values()
+  # parses user input, noting any issues
+  try:
+    opts, args = getopt.getopt(sys.argv[1:], OPT, OPT_EXPANDED)
+  except getopt.GetoptError, exc:
+    print str(exc) + " (for usage provide --help)"
+    sys.exit(1)
+  for opt, arg in opts:
+    if opt in ("-u", "--unit"): run_unit_tests = True
+    elif opt in ("-i", "--integ"): run_integ_tests = True
+    elif opt in ("-t", "--targets"):
+      integ_targets = arg.split(",")
+      # validates the targets
+      if not integ_targets:
+        print "No targets provided"
+        sys.exit(1)
+      for target in integ_targets:
+        if not target in TARGETS.values():
+          print "Invalid integration target: %s" % target
+          sys.exit(1)
+    elif opt in ("-h", "--help"):
+      # Prints usage information and quits. This includes a listing of the
+      # valid integration targets.
+      # gets the longest target length so we can show the entries in columns
+      target_name_length = max([len(name) for name in TARGETS.values()])
+      description_format = "%%-%is - %%s" % target_name_length
+      target_lines = []
+      for target in TARGETS.values():
+        target_lines.append(description_format % (target, TARGET_ATTR[target][1]))
+      print HELP_MSG % "\n    ".join(target_lines)
+      sys.exit()
+  if not run_unit_tests and not run_integ_tests:
+    print "Nothing to run (for usage provide --help)\n"
+    sys.exit()
+  if run_unit_tests:
+    print "%s\nUnit Tests\n%s\n" % (DIVIDER, DIVIDER)
+    suite = unittest.TestLoader().loadTestsFromTestCase(test.unit.version.TestVerionFunctions)
+    unittest.TextTestRunner(verbosity=2).run(suite)
+    print ""
+  if run_integ_tests:
+    print "%s\nIntegration Tests\n%s\n" % (DIVIDER, DIVIDER)
+    for target in integ_targets:
+      runner, description = TARGET_ATTR[target]
+      print "Configuration: %s - %s" % (target, description)
+      if runner:
+        pass # TODO: implement
+      else:
+        print "  %s" % term.format("Unimplemented", term.Color.RED, term.Attr.BOLD)
+      print ""
diff --git a/stem/types.py b/stem/types.py
index 58845fe..f4583e3 100644
--- a/stem/types.py
+++ b/stem/types.py
@@ -76,7 +76,7 @@ def get_version(version_str):
     types.Version instance
-  Throws:
+  Raises:
     ValueError if input isn't a valid tor version
diff --git a/stem/util/__init__.py b/stem/util/__init__.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..e079d62
--- /dev/null
+++ b/stem/util/__init__.py
@@ -0,0 +1,6 @@
+Utility functions used by the stem library.
+__all__ = ["enum", "term"]
diff --git a/stem/util/enum.py b/stem/util/enum.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..d7745ec
--- /dev/null
+++ b/stem/util/enum.py
@@ -0,0 +1,150 @@
+Basic enumeration, providing ordered types for collections. These can be
+constructed as simple type listings, ie:
+>>> insects = Enum("ANT", "WASP", "LADYBUG", "FIREFLY")
+>>> insects.ANT
+>>> insects.values()
+['Ant', 'Wasp', 'Ladybug', 'Firefly']
+with overwritten string counterparts:
+>>> pets = Enum(("DOG", "Skippy"), "CAT", ("FISH", "Nemo"))
+>>> pets.DOG
+>>> pets.CAT
+or with entirely custom string components as an unordered enum with:
+>>> pets = LEnum(DOG="Skippy", CAT="Kitty", FISH="Nemo")
+>>> pets.CAT
+def to_camel_case(label, word_divider = " "):
+  """
+  Converts the given string to camel case, ie:
+  >>> to_camel_case("I_LIKE_PEPPERJACK!")
+  'I Like Pepperjack!'
+  Arguments:
+    label (str)        - input string to be converted
+    word_divider (str) - string used to replace underscores
+  """
+  words = []
+  for entry in label.split("_"):
+    if len(entry) == 0: words.append("")
+    elif len(entry) == 1: words.append(entry.upper())
+    else: words.append(entry[0].upper() + entry[1:].lower())
+  return word_divider.join(words)
+class Enum:
+  """
+  Basic enumeration.
+  """
+  def __init__(self, *args):
+    # ordered listings of our keys and values
+    keys, values = [], []
+    for entry in args:
+      if isinstance(entry, str):
+        key, val = entry, to_camel_case(entry)
+      elif isinstance(entry, tuple) and len(entry) == 2:
+        key, val = entry
+      else: raise ValueError("Unrecognized input: %s" % args)
+      keys.append(key)
+      values.append(val)
+      self.__dict__[key] = val
+    self._keys = tuple(keys)
+    self._values = tuple(values)
+  def keys(self):
+    """
+    Provides an ordered listing of the enumeration keys in this set.
+    Returns:
+      tuple with our enum keys
+    """
+    return self._keys
+  def values(self):
+    """
+    Provides an ordered listing of the enumerations in this set.
+    Returns:
+      tuple with our enum values
+    """
+    return self._values
+  def index_of(self, value):
+    """
+    Provides the index of the given value in the collection.
+    Arguments:
+      value - entry to be looked up
+    Returns:
+      integer index of the given entry
+    Raises:
+      ValueError if no such element exists
+    """
+    return self._values.index(value)
+  def next(self, value):
+    """
+    Provides the next enumeration after the given value.
+    Arguments:
+      value - enumeration for which to get the next entry
+    Returns:
+      enum value following the given entry
+    Raises:
+      ValueError if no such element exists
+    """
+    if not value in self._values:
+      raise ValueError("No such enumeration exists: %s (options: %s)" % (value, ", ".join(self._values)))
+    next_index = (self._values.index(value) + 1) % len(self._values)
+    return self._values[next_index]
+  def previous(self, value):
+    """
+    Provides the previous enumeration before the given value.
+    Arguments:
+      value - enumeration for which to get the previous entry
+    Returns:
+      enum value proceeding the given entry
+    Raises:
+      ValueError if no such element exists
+    """
+    if not value in self._values:
+      raise ValueError("No such enumeration exists: %s (options: %s)" % (value, ", ".join(self._values)))
+    prev_index = (self._values.index(value) - 1) % len(self._values)
+    return self._values[prev_index]
+class LEnum(Enum):
+  """
+  Enumeration that accepts custom string mappings.
+  """
+  def __init__(self, **args):
+    Enum.__init__(self)
+    self.__dict__.update(args)
+    self._values = sorted(args.values())
diff --git a/stem/util/term.py b/stem/util/term.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..7f3449e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/stem/util/term.py
@@ -0,0 +1,57 @@
+Utilities for working with the terminal.
+import enum
+Color = enum.Enum(*TERM_COLORS)
+BgColor = enum.Enum(*["BG_" + color for color in TERM_COLORS])
+Attr = enum.Enum("BOLD", "UNDERLINE", "HILIGHT")
+# mappings of terminal attribute enums to their ANSI escape encoding
+FG_ENCODING = dict([(Color.values()[i], str(30 + i)) for i in range(8)])
+BG_ENCODING = dict([(BgColor.values()[i], str(40 + i)) for i in range(8)])
+ATTR_ENCODING = {Attr.BOLD: "1", Attr.UNDERLINE: "4", Attr.HILIGHT: "7"}
+CSI = "\x1B[%sm"
+RESET = CSI % "0"
+def format(msg, *attr):
+  """
+  Simple terminal text formatting, using ANSI escape sequences from:
+  https://secure.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/en/wiki/ANSI_escape_code#CSI_codes
+  toolkits providing similar capabilities:
+  * django.utils.termcolors
+    https://code.djangoproject.com/browser/django/trunk/django/utils/termcolors.py
+  * termcolor
+    http://pypi.python.org/pypi/termcolor
+  * colorama
+    http://pypi.python.org/pypi/colorama
+  Arguments:
+    msg (str)  - string to be formatted
+    attr (str) - text attributes, this can be Color, BgColor, or Attr enums and
+                 are case insensitive (so strings like "red" are fine)
+  Returns:
+    string wrapped with ANSI escape encodings, starting with the given
+    attributes and ending with a reset
+  """
+  encodings = []
+  for text_attr in attr:
+    text_attr, encoding = enum.to_camel_case(text_attr), None
+    encoding = FG_ENCODING.get(text_attr, encoding)
+    encoding = BG_ENCODING.get(text_attr, encoding)
+    encoding = ATTR_ENCODING.get(text_attr, encoding)
+    if encoding: encodings.append(encoding)
+  if encodings:
+    return (CSI % ";".join(encodings)) + msg + RESET
+  else: return msg

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