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[tor-commits] r25044: {} rescue the huge key list from the verifying-signatures page (website/trunk/docs/en)

Author: arma
Date: 2011-09-09 17:07:51 +0000 (Fri, 09 Sep 2011)
New Revision: 25044

rescue the huge key list from the verifying-signatures page

Added: website/trunk/docs/en/signing-keys.wml
--- website/trunk/docs/en/signing-keys.wml	                        (rev 0)
+++ website/trunk/docs/en/signing-keys.wml	2011-09-09 17:07:51 UTC (rev 25044)
@@ -0,0 +1,133 @@
+## translation metadata
+# Revision: $Revision$
+# Translation-Priority: 4-optional
+#include "head.wmi" TITLE="Tor Project: Signing keys" CHARSET="UTF-8"
+<div id="content" class="clearfix">
+  <div id="breadcrumbs">
+    <a href="<page index>">Home &raquo; </a>
+    <a href="<page docs/verifying-signatures>">Verifying Signatures</a>
+  </div>
+  <div id="maincol">
+    <h1>Which PGP keys sign which packages</h1>
+    <hr>
+    <p>The signing keys we use are:</p>
+    <ul>
+    <li>Roger's (0x28988BF5) typically signs the source code file.</li>
+    <li>Nick's (0x165733EA, or its subkey 0x8D29319A).</li>
+    <li>Andrew's (0x31B0974B) typically signed older packages for windows and mac.</li>
+    <li>Peter's (0xC82E0039, or its subkey 0xE1DEC577).</li>
+    <li>TomÃs's (0x9A753A6B) signs current Vidalia release tarballs and tags.</li>
+    <li>Matt's (0x5FA14861) signed older Vidalia release tarballs.</li>
+    <li>Damian's (0x9ABBEEC6) signs Arm releases</li>
+    <li>Jacob's (0xE012B42D).</li>
+    <li>Erinn's (0x63FEE659) and (0xF1F5C9B5) typically signs all windows, mac, and most linux packages.</li>
+    <li>Mike's (0xDDC6C0AD) signs the Torbutton xpi.</li>
+    <li>Karsten's (0xF7C11265) signs the metrics archives and tools.</li>
+    <li>Robert Hogan's (0x22F6856F) signs torsocks release tarballs and tags.</li>
+    <li>Nathan's (0xB374CBD2) signs the Android APK file for Orbot.</li>
+    <li>Tor Project Archive (0x886DDD89) signs the deb.torproject.org repositories and archives</li>
+    </ul>
+    The fingerprints for the keys should be:
+    <pre>
+    pub   1024D/28988BF5 2000-02-27
+          Key fingerprint = B117 2656 DFF9 83C3 042B  C699 EB5A 896A 2898 8BF5
+    uid                  Roger Dingledine &lt;arma@xxxxxxx&gt;
+    pub   3072R/165733EA 2004-07-03
+          Key fingerprint = B35B F85B F194 89D0 4E28  C33C 2119 4EBB 1657 33EA
+    uid                  Nick Mathewson &lt;nickm@xxxxxxxxxxxx&gt;
+    uid                  Nick Mathewson &lt;nickm@xxxxxxxxxxx&gt;
+    uid                  Nick Mathewson &lt;nickm@xxxxxxxxxxxxx&gt;
+    pub  1024D/31B0974B 2003-07-17
+         Key fingerprint = 0295 9AA7 190A B9E9 027E  0736 3B9D 093F 31B0 974B
+    uid                  Andrew Lewman (phobos) &lt;phobos@xxxxxxxxxx&gt;
+    uid                  Andrew Lewman &lt;andrew@xxxxxxxxxx&gt;
+    uid                  Andrew Lewman &lt;andrew@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx&gt;
+    sub   4096g/B77F95F7 2003-07-17
+    pub   4096R/C82E0039 2003-03-24
+          Key fingerprint = 25FC 1614 B8F8 7B52 FF2F  99B9 62AF 4031 C82E 0039
+    uid                  Peter Palfrader
+    uid                  Peter Palfrader &lt;peter@xxxxxxxxxxxxx&gt;
+    uid                  Peter Palfrader &lt;weasel@xxxxxxxxxx&gt;
+    pub   1024D/9A753A6B 2009-09-11
+          Key fingerprint = 553D 7C2C 626E F16F 27F3  30BC 95E3 881D 9A75 3A6B
+    uid                  TomÃs Touceda &lt;chiiph@xxxxxxxxx&gt;
+    sub   1024g/33BE0E5B 2009-09-11
+    pub   1024D/5FA14861 2005-08-17
+          Key fingerprint = 9467 294A 9985 3C9C 65CB  141D AF7E 0E43 5FA1 4861
+    uid                  Matt Edman &lt;edmanm@xxxxxxx&gt;
+    uid                  Matt Edman &lt;Matt_Edman@xxxxxxxxxx&gt;
+    uid                  Matt Edman &lt;edmanm2@xxxxxxxxxx&gt;
+    sub   4096g/EA654E59 2005-08-17
+    pub   1024D/9ABBEEC6 2009-06-17
+          Key fingerprint = 6827 8CC5 DD2D 1E85 C4E4  5AD9 0445 B7AB 9ABB EEC6
+    uid                  Damian Johnson (www.atagar.com) &lt;atagar1@xxxxxxxxx&gt;
+    uid                  Damian Johnson &lt;atagar@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx&gt;
+    sub   2048g/146276B2 2009-06-17
+    sub   2048R/87F30690 2010-08-07
+    pub   4096R/E012B42D 2010-05-07
+          Key fingerprint = D8C9 AF51 CAA9 CAEA D3D8  9C9E A34F A745 E012 B42D
+    uid                  Jacob Appelbaum &lt;jacob@xxxxxxxxxxxxx&gt;
+    uid                  Jacob Appelbaum &lt;jacob@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx&gt;
+    sub   4096R/7CA91A52 2010-05-07 [expires: 2011-05-07]
+    pub   2048R/63FEE659 2003-10-16
+          Key fingerprint = 8738 A680 B84B 3031 A630  F2DB 416F 0610 63FE E659
+    uid                  Erinn Clark &lt;erinn@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx&gt;
+    uid                  Erinn Clark &lt;erinn@xxxxxxxxxx&gt;
+    uid                  Erinn Clark &lt;erinn@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx&gt;
+    sub   2048R/EB399FD7 2003-10-16
+    pub   1024D/F1F5C9B5 2010-02-03
+          Key fingerprint = C2E3 4CFC 13C6 2BD9 2C75  79B5 6B8A AEB1 F1F5 C9B5
+    uid                  Erinn Clark &lt;erinn@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx&gt;
+    sub   1024g/7828F26A 2010-02-03
+    pub   1024D/DDC6C0AD 2006-07-26
+          Key fingerprint = BECD 90ED D1EE 8736 7980  ECF8 1B0C A30C DDC6 C0AD
+    uid                  Mike Perry &lt;mikeperry@xxxxxxxxxx&gt;
+    uid                  Mike Perry &lt;mikepery@xxxxxxxxxx&gt;
+    sub   4096g/AF0A91D7 2006-07-26
+    pub   1024D/F7C11265 2007-03-09 [expires: 2012-03-01]
+          Key fingerprint = FC8A EEF1 792E EE71 D721  7D47 D0CF 963D F7C1 1265
+    uid                  Karsten Loesing &lt;karsten.loesing@xxxxxxx&gt;
+    sub   2048g/75D85E4B 2007-03-09 [expires: 2012-03-01]
+    pub   1024D/22F6856F 2006-08-19
+          Key fingerprint = DDB4 6B5B 7950 CD47 E59B  5189 4C09 25CF 22F6 856F
+    uid                  Robert Hogan &lt;robert@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx&gt;
+    sub   1024g/FC4A9460 2006-08-19
+    pub   3072D/B374CBD2 2010-06-09 [expires: 2011-06-09]
+          Key fingerprint = B92B CA64 72F7 C6F0 8D47  8503 D2AC D203 B374 CBD2
+    uid                  Nathan of Guardian &lt;nathan@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx&gt;
+    sub   4096g/B5878C3B 2010-06-09 [expires: 2011-06-09]
+    pub   2048R/886DDD89 2009-09-04 [expires: 2014-09-03]
+          Key fingerprint = A3C4 F0F9 79CA A22C DBA8  F512 EE8C BC9E 886D DD89
+    uid                  deb.torproject.org archive signing key
+    sub   2048R/219EC810 2009-09-04 [expires: 2012-09-03]
+    </pre>
+  </div>
+  <!-- END MAINCOL -->
+  <div id = "sidecol">
+#include "side.wmi"
+#include "info.wmi"
+  </div>
+  <!-- END SIDECOL -->
+<!-- END CONTENT -->
+#include <foot.wmi>

Property changes on: website/trunk/docs/en/signing-keys.wml
Added: svn:keywords
   + Author Date Id Revision
Added: svn:eol-style
   + native

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