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[tor-commits] [arm/release] Interpretor panel for raw control port access

commit 0016b2be0fac62ae840a1259ee65269defa3654c
Author: Damian Johnson <atagar@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
Date:   Wed Aug 24 10:07:24 2011 -0700

    Interpretor panel for raw control port access
    This adds a new page to the interface, providing an interactive interpretor
    that lets the user send/receive control commands. This includes history search
    and will be expanded to have other usability features (tab completion, search,
 README                      |    1 +
 src/cli/__init__.py         |    2 +-
 src/cli/controller.py       |    3 +
 src/cli/interpretorPanel.py |  232 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
 4 files changed, 237 insertions(+), 1 deletions(-)

diff --git a/README b/README
index 16d0965..cbaf2f7 100644
--- a/README
+++ b/README
@@ -193,6 +193,7 @@ Layout:
       logPanel.py            - (page 1) displays tor, arm, and torctl events
       configPanel.py         - (page 3) editor panel for the tor configuration
       torrcPanel.py          - (page 4) displays torrc and validation
+      interpretorPanel.py    - (page 5) interpretor for control port access
diff --git a/src/cli/__init__.py b/src/cli/__init__.py
index b0d6bd8..fa23640 100644
--- a/src/cli/__init__.py
+++ b/src/cli/__init__.py
@@ -2,5 +2,5 @@
 Panels, popups, and handlers comprising the arm user interface.
-__all__ = ["configPanel", "controller", "headerPanel", "logPanel", "popups", "torrcPanel", "wizard"]
+__all__ = ["configPanel", "controller", "headerPanel", "interpretorPanel", "logPanel", "popups", "torrcPanel", "wizard"]
diff --git a/src/cli/controller.py b/src/cli/controller.py
index d2194ca..bc69e79 100644
--- a/src/cli/controller.py
+++ b/src/cli/controller.py
@@ -15,6 +15,7 @@ import cli.headerPanel
 import cli.logPanel
 import cli.configPanel
 import cli.torrcPanel
+import cli.interpretorPanel
 import cli.graphing.graphPanel
 import cli.graphing.bandwidthStats
 import cli.graphing.connStats
@@ -97,6 +98,8 @@ def initController(stdscr, startTime):
   if CONFIG["features.panels.show.torrc"]:
     pagePanels.append([cli.torrcPanel.TorrcPanel(stdscr, cli.torrcPanel.Config.TORRC, config)])
+  pagePanels.append([cli.interpretorPanel.InterpretorPanel(stdscr)])
   # initializes the controller
   ARM_CONTROLLER = Controller(stdscr, stickyPanels, pagePanels)
diff --git a/src/cli/interpretorPanel.py b/src/cli/interpretorPanel.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..b7c3fe0
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/cli/interpretorPanel.py
@@ -0,0 +1,232 @@
+Panel providing raw control port access with syntax hilighting, usage
+information, tab completion, and other usability features.
+import curses
+from util import enum, panel, textInput, torTools, uiTools
+from TorCtl import TorCtl
+PROMPT = ">>> "
+USAGE_INFO = "to use this panel press enter"
+# limits used for cropping
+class InterpretorPanel(panel.Panel):
+  def __init__(self, stdscr):
+    panel.Panel.__init__(self, stdscr, "interpretor", 0)
+    self.isInputMode = False
+    self.scroll = 0
+    self.formats = {}           # lazy loaded curses formatting constants
+    self.previousCommands = []  # user input, newest to oldest
+    # contents of the panel (oldest to newest), each line is a list of (msg,
+    # format enum) tuples
+    self.contents = [[(PROMPT, Formats.PROMPT), (USAGE_INFO, Formats.USAGE)]]
+  def prompt(self):
+    """
+    Enables the interpretor, prompting for input until the user enters esc or
+    a blank line.
+    """
+    if not self.formats: self._initFormats()
+    self.isInputMode = True
+    panel.CURSES_LOCK.acquire()
+    while self.isInputMode:
+      self.redraw(True)
+      # intercepts input so user can cycle through the history
+      validator = textInput.BasicValidator()
+      validator = textInput.HistoryValidator(self.previousCommands, validator)
+      xOffset = len(PROMPT)
+      if len(self.contents) > self.maxY - 1:
+        xOffset += 3 # offset for scrollbar
+      input = self.getstr(min(self.maxY - 1, len(self.contents)), xOffset, "", self.formats[Formats.INPUT], validator = validator)
+      isDone = self.handleQuery(input)
+      if isDone:
+        self.isInputMode = False
+        self.redraw(True)
+    panel.CURSES_LOCK.release()
+  def handleQuery(self, input):
+    """
+    Processes the given input. Requests starting with a '/' are special
+    commands to the interpretor, and anything else is sent to the control port.
+    This returns a boolean to indicate if the interpretor should terminate or
+    not.
+    Arguments:
+      input - user input to be processed
+    """
+    if not input or not input.strip(): return True
+    input = input.strip()
+    inputEntry, outputEntry = [(PROMPT, Formats.PROMPT)], []
+    conn = torTools.getConn()
+    # input falls into three general categories:
+    # - interpretor command which starts with a '/'
+    # - controller commands handled by torTools (this allows for caching,
+    #   proper handling by the rest of arm, etc)
+    # - unrecognized controller command, this has the possability of confusing
+    #   arm...
+    if input.startswith("/"):
+      # interpretor command
+      inputEntry.append((input, Formats.INPUT_INTERPRETOR))
+      outputEntry.append(("Not yet implemented...", Formats.ERROR)) # TODO: implement
+      # TODO: add /help option
+      # TODO: add /write option
+    else:
+      # controller command
+      if " " in input: cmd, arg = input.split(" ", 1)
+      else: cmd, arg = input, ""
+      inputEntry.append((cmd + " ", Formats.INPUT_CMD))
+      if arg: inputEntry.append((arg, Formats.INPUT_ARG))
+      if cmd.upper() == "GETINFO":
+        try:
+          response = conn.getInfo(arg, suppressExc = False)
+          outputEntry.append((response, Formats.OUTPUT))
+        except Exception, exc:
+          outputEntry.append((str(exc), Formats.ERROR))
+      elif cmd.upper() == "SETCONF":
+        if "=" in arg:
+          param, value = arg.split("=", 1)
+          try:
+            conn.setOption(param.strip(), value.strip())
+          except Exception, exc:
+            outputEntry.append((str(exc), Formats.ERROR))
+        else:
+          # TODO: resets the attribute
+          outputEntry.append(("Not yet implemented...", Formats.ERROR)) # TODO: implement
+      else:
+        try:
+          response = conn.getTorCtl().sendAndRecv("%s\r\n" % input)
+          for entry in response:
+            # Response entries are tuples with the response code, body, and
+            # extra info. For instance:
+            # ('250', 'version= (git-b85eb949b528f4d7)', None)
+            if len(entry) == 3:
+              outputEntry.append((entry[1], Formats.OUTPUT))
+        except Exception, exc:
+          outputEntry.append((str(exc), Formats.ERROR))
+    self.previousCommands.insert(0, input)
+    self.previousCommands = self.previousCommands[:COMMAND_BACKLOG]
+    promptEntry = self.contents.pop() # removes old prompt entry
+    self.contents += _splitOnNewlines(inputEntry)
+    self.contents += _splitOnNewlines(outputEntry)
+    self.contents.append(promptEntry)
+    # if too long then crop lines
+    cropLines = len(self.contents) - LINES_BACKLOG
+    if cropLines > 0: self.contents = self.contents[cropLines:]
+    return False
+  def handleKey(self, key):
+    # TODO: allow contents to be searched (with hilighting?)
+    isKeystrokeConsumed = True
+    if uiTools.isSelectionKey(key):
+      self.prompt()
+    elif uiTools.isScrollKey(key) and not self.isInputMode:
+      pageHeight = self.getPreferredSize()[0] - 1
+      newScroll = uiTools.getScrollPosition(key, self.scroll, pageHeight, len(self.contents))
+      if self.scroll != newScroll:
+        self.scroll = newScroll
+        self.redraw(True)
+    else: isKeystrokeConsumed = False
+    return isKeystrokeConsumed
+  def draw(self, width, height):
+    if not self.formats: self._initFormats()
+    # page title
+    usageMsg = " (enter \"/help\" for usage or a blank line to stop)" if self.isInputMode else ""
+    self.addstr(0, 0, "Control Interpretor%s:" % usageMsg, curses.A_STANDOUT)
+    xOffset = 0
+    if len(self.contents) > height - 1:
+      # if we're in input mode then make sure the last line is visible
+      if self.isInputMode:
+        self.scroll = len(self.contents) - height + 1
+      xOffset = 3
+      self.addScrollBar(self.scroll, self.scroll + height - 1, len(self.contents), 1)
+    # draws prior commands and output
+    drawLine = 1
+    for entry in self.contents[self.scroll:]:
+      cursor = xOffset
+      for msg, formatEntry in entry:
+        format = self.formats.get(formatEntry, curses.A_NORMAL)
+        self.addstr(drawLine, cursor, msg, format)
+        cursor += len(msg)
+      drawLine += 1
+      if drawLine >= height: break
+  def _initFormats(self):
+    self.formats[Formats.PROMPT] = curses.A_BOLD | uiTools.getColor("green")
+    self.formats[Formats.INPUT] = uiTools.getColor("cyan")
+    self.formats[Formats.INPUT_INTERPRETOR] = curses.A_BOLD | uiTools.getColor("magenta")
+    self.formats[Formats.INPUT_CMD] = curses.A_BOLD | uiTools.getColor("green")
+    self.formats[Formats.INPUT_ARG] = curses.A_BOLD | uiTools.getColor("cyan")
+    self.formats[Formats.OUTPUT] = uiTools.getColor("blue")
+    self.formats[Formats.USAGE] = uiTools.getColor("cyan")
+    self.formats[Formats.HELP] = uiTools.getColor("magenta")
+    self.formats[Formats.ERROR] = curses.A_BOLD | uiTools.getColor("red")
+def _splitOnNewlines(entry):
+  """
+  Splits a list of (msg, format) tuples on newlines into a list of lines.
+  Arguments:
+    entry - list of display tuples
+  """
+  results, tmpLine = [], []
+  entry = list(entry) # shallow copy
+  while entry:
+    msg, format = entry.pop(0)
+    if "\n" in msg:
+      msg, remainder = msg.split("\n", 1)
+      entry.insert(0, (remainder, format))
+      tmpLine.append((msg, format))
+      results.append(tmpLine)
+      tmpLine = []
+    else:
+      tmpLine.append((msg, format))
+  if tmpLine: results.append(tmpLine)
+  return results

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