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Re: [tor-dev] Contents of tor-dev digest...

I didn't write the paper for this list specifically.  It requires performing DDoS attacks.  Your the one trolling someone in reality.  I am not going to go out of my way to spend time when realistically its quite simple to perform.  If you don't want to use NTP, and other factors to performing efficient timing attacks then you can just completely blackhole networks.  If the connection dies, or an ACK storm persists then you have found the culprit..

I am not releasing papers for recognition.  I don't care whether or not its perfect.. Its because its a vulnerability, and I'm trying to ensure people understand the possibilities...

I am sorry that I do not write papers as you wish I would...  I hope that you enjoy my explanation of a solution more than you have about the issue itself.

have a great week,

On Mon, Apr 10, 2017 at 8:04 PM, dawuud <dawuud@xxxxxxxxxx> wrote:

> I'm not presenting a scientific paper.  Its an actual method that works.

You must learn how to articulate the idea without muddling it with all kinds
of other irrelevant stuff. Nobody mentioned scientific papers. Are you saying
that you don't read papers describing attacks on Tor? They are really fun to read.

> You can DDoS various networks to compare against active connections on TOR,
> and otherwise...

What are the assumptions of the attack?
What kind of capabilities must an attacker have?

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