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Re: [tor-dev] Pyonionoo

Hi Norman,

On 8/10/12 3:15 AM, Norman Danner wrote:
> On 8/9/12 5:28 PM, Norman Danner wrote:
>> Hi Karsten,
>> We have a preliminary version of the Pyonionoo front-end at
>>      git://github.com/meganchang/pyonionoo.git
>> Make sure to look at the database branch.  We'd be happy to hear
>> feedback.

First feedback is that I'm having trouble installing cyclone. :/  What
steps does it take from, say, a vanilla Debian Squeeze to an environment
where `twistd -n cyclone -r pyonionoo.web.Application` works?  Ideally,
these steps only include `apt-get install`, but if something else is
needed, I'll try to convince weasel to run that on the Tor machine.

Some more feedback after a _very_ quick look through the files:

- Why do we need something like scripts/cookie_secret.py?

- Do the two handlers bandwidth.py and detail.py really need to list all
the fields in the respective documents?  That seems hard to maintain
when we make changes to the back-end.  Ideally, the front-end would
simply consider these files as valid JSON strings without parsing them
at all.

- pyonionoo/summary looks like example data that shouldn't be in the Git
repo.  Similarly, summary.db is a binary file and probably shouldn't be
in the Git repo.  Maybe the latter should be in .gitignore.

I'll have more feedback after the weekend, and even more once I get this
thing to run. :)  Very much looking forward to that!


>> Unfortunately, this isn't as far as we wanted to be.  A run-down of the
>> main open issues:
>> * We ran into issues with getting sqlite in-memory databases to play
>> nicely with multiple threads (stop-gap solution:  use an on-disk
>> database).
> It occurs to me that twisted.enterprise.adbapi probably fixes provides a
> solution to these issues.  If it were documented, I'd know better...
> We'll play with it tomorrow and see what happens.
>     - Norman
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