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Re: [tor-dev] Testing in Tor

On Sat, Dec 22, 2012 at 7:42 PM, Damian Johnson <atagar@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:

On Sat, Dec 22, 2012 at 6:16 PM, Simon <simonhf@xxxxxxxxx> wrote:
> So what's the difference between Stem tests and 'Chutney'?

Stem is a controller library with integration tests to check its
interaction with a live tor instance. Its tests focus on the behavior
of tor's control interface.

Chutney however is a framework specifically for testing how multiple
tor instances interact. It's under very light development by
comparison to stem...


> Why are neither set of tests included in the Tor repo so that
> they can be run using make test?

Because they're both separate applications from the core tor
executable. Mixing the projects (and their git histories) would be
confusing. I would like to see stem be more actively used in core tor
development for testing though. In an ideal world new tor controller
features would include a corresponding test in stem...


I don't know about Chutney, but Stem is a separate effort from Tor. Stem is related to Tor, is hosted by the project, and there is much communication between the two, but running the Stem tests to learn about Tor code would not be helpful.

As Damian says, Stem could be used to build tests exercising the controller side of Tor code. However, those would be Tor tests, not Stem tests.

Sean Robinson

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