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Re: [tor-dev] Relay "Ping" Functionality
On 21.01.22 14:57, Alexander Mages wrote:
Right now we're exploring latency-based attacks but are having trouble
achieving a particular goal: a way to “ping” an arbitrary node in a
client’s already-built (“live”) circuit. One-way timing is ideal but
round trip time would suffice. We can glean this information during
circuit construction, but what about a “live” circuit? Ideally, this
would be a periodic thing Tor already keeps track of, but as an
on-demand or as a byproduct/side-effect of a different function would
also work. We have not been able to find a way to do this within the Tor
(sub)protocol specs or the control port spec.
You can measure the RTT between your client and a node by exiting
through that node and intentionally violating its exit policy, such as
connecting to The node will return an error, and you can
measure the RTT as the time between sending the request and receiving
the error. See https://naviga-tor.github.io/ for an example.
All the best,
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