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Re: [tor-dev] Is it time to drop support for the v1/v2 protos?

Nick Mathewson schreef op 02/01/15 om 15:27:
On Mon, Dec 29, 2014 at 3:33 PM, Tom van der
Woerdt <info@xxxxxxx> wrote:
Sounds good!

I spent some time writing a patch that removes v1 of the link protocol from
both the server and client, and so far it seems to work nicely: the code
compiles nicely, all test cases pass, and the resulting binary has relayed a
few gigabytes of data without any problems.

As I didn't really have a place to put the branch, I uploaded it to Github:

It's a rather large patch, though not as large as the patch that will remove
v2 of the protocol. However, before I write that one, can someone please
check whether my patch is sane and I'm not violating any standards or
Hi, Tom!

Sorry about the delay; this has been a busy time, between CCC drama
and the new year.

A few procedural suggestions:

   * Maybe call branches like this something other than "master"?  It's
a good idea to have a separate topic branch for each patch series you
write, so that the upstream project can merge them independently.

   * It's a good idea to link to branches like this from the
appropriate tickets on the bugtracker, so that we can't lose track of
Thanks, I'll create an account.

   * Every Tuesday on the #tor-dev IRC channel on OFTC, at 1800 UTC,
it's patch workshop time, where a bunch of people get together to
review one another's patches.  Maybe you'd like to stop by? :)
Sounds fun!

And, some fast notes on the patch itself:

   * Actually, it's not that long. "git log -p -b" only says it's 607
lines, which is comparatively easy to review.

   * Some of the stuff can't actually get removed yet by the terms of
what we've said we're doing.  The V2_CIPHER_LIST, for example, is used
to detect Tor versions up through  We've only mentioned
dropping support for 0.2.2 and earlier, right?. Similarly with the
tor_tls_session_secret_cb logic.

   Now, maybe we _should_ drop support for versions before as well.  If so, we can rip out even more code.  (And
that might be a good idea.) What do people on the list think?
I'd definitely like ripping out more legacy support code :-) According 
to the consensus, is the lowest recommended version right 
now, and I (mis)interpreted that as the lowest version that must still 
be supported after I rip out code.
On a related note, I've uploaded a branch of the torspec [1] to reword 
(most of) the handshake part to match what I hope the code will do as 
soon as I'm done cleaning. Spec changes may need to go through proposals 
though, should I add it as one?
Also, in case anyone is wondering why a complete stranger is suddenly so 
interested in ripping parts out of Tor: I attempted to implement a Tor 
client and was constantly faced with legacy stuff in the spec. Might as 
well get rid of it if you don't need it - also makes my client 
implementation easier.

[1] https://github.com/TvdW/torspec/commits/remove-legacy-protocol-support

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