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Re: [tor-dev] Proposal 274: A Name System API for Tor Onion Services

> On 12 Oct 2016, at 09:29, Jesse V <kernelcorn@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
> On 10/11/2016 12:53 AM, Jeremy Rand wrote:
>> It's also worth noting that it's been hard enough to get IETF to accept
>> .bit (that effort stalled) -- adding a bunch of other TLD's would
>> probably annoy IETF significantly (and destroy whatever good will exists
>> at IETF right now), and I fully understand why this would annoy them.
>> I'm not really sure what the right mechanism is for a user to specify "I
>> want this request to either use TLS or be resolved to a .onion record"
>> (which seems to be the primary use case here).  Does anyone have
>> suggestions?
> As I understand it, the spirit of the naming system API is to resolve
> $meaningfulName to $randomAddress.onion. It seems pretty clear its
> focused on A records, but the naming system can support subdomains and
> CNAME records if it likes. My approach with OnioNS is to simply use a
> none-ICANN TLD, which is currently ".tor". There's a Trac ticket on
> which TLD I should use, but it seems most intuitive to use something
> obvious. Someone suggested that we continue to use .onion, but anything
> that isn't 16 chars of base32 should be resolving using the naming
> system. That seems like it would be more confusing. A new TLD seems more
> intuitive.

Yes, and re-using .onion would make (some) 32-character names invalid,
and post prop-224, (some) 53?-character names invalid as well.

This is an undesirable property.

I can also imagine attacks taking advantage of this confusion.


Tim Wilson-Brown (teor)

teor2345 at gmail dot com
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