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Re: [tor-dev] log: ORPort/DirPort address does not match descriptor address

> On 24 Jan 2017, at 12:42, Kevin Beranek <kevin@xxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
> I can answer your questions because I'm the one that filed the issue
> previously referenced by nusenu.
>> What are the exact torrc lines?
> One relay where I see these log messages has a public address of
> while the relevant torrc lines are as follows:
> ORPort
> ORPort [2001:bc8:4700:2300::25:c07]:443
> DirPort
> OutboundBindAddress

Is the Address option set on this relay?
Maybe we need to change this part of the warning:
> If you have a static public IPv4 address, use 'Address <IPv4>'

>> I don't think this warning should be triggered in the setup you
>> describe, but I'll need to re-read the code to check.
> I'm not sure of the exact network setup because it's not something I
> have much visibility into, but the affected relays have a single
> private IPv4 address and a single public IPv4 address and seem to
> behave like a 1:1 NAT as far as I can tell.

If the address option isn't set, what does the relay identify as its
public IP address in the logs?

Look for log entries about testing ORPort or DirPort reachability, or
any log entries containing its public IP address.


Tim Wilson-Brown (teor)

teor2345 at gmail dot com
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