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Family name problem

The previous problem on zlib is still here, because
 I use tor as debian package end no updates arrived.

I see another messages in info level log, related
 to the 4 tor router that I have in my 5 router family.

Are those errors critical ?

Ciao.   Marco

Jul 01 09:28:05.510 [warn] router_rebuild_descriptor(): I have no
descriptor for the route
r named "pboxlevel3" in my declared family; I'll use the nickname as is,
but this may conf
use clients.
Jul 01 09:28:05.510 [warn] router_rebuild_descriptor(): I have no
descriptor for the route
r named "pboxlevel4" in my declared family; I'll use the nickname as is,
but this may conf
use clients.
Jul 01 09:28:05.511 [warn] router_rebuild_descriptor(): I have no
descriptor for the route
r named "nefarion" in my declared family; I'll use the nickname as is,
but this may confus
e clients.
Jul 01 09:28:05.511 [warn] router_rebuild_descriptor(): I have no
descriptor for the route
r named "geonosis" in my declared family; I'll use the nickname as is,
but this may confus
e clients.


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