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[tor-dev] Adding depictor/stem to Jenkins

Hi all,

Hoping someone can help me out here... I'd like to add a job to
jenkins that runs the depictor command (`python write_website.py`)
whenever a commit is made to the dev repo master branch[0] OR stem's
master branch. (If I could only have one I'd pick stem's.)

Historically, one of the reasons consensus-health has lagged a little
bit has been because in the past there was some tiny change in Stem
that wound up breaking it. I don't think that's happened lately, but
it's caused me to be conservative about upgrading stem, and usually
the changes I need are the latest one added to master.  A jenkins job
would give me a bit more confidence and enable a bit more proactivity
on fixing it for breaking changes.

Who runs jenkins? What would I need to do to set this up?  The good
news is there's only three commands needed to go from zero to

git clone https://git.torproject.org/user/tom/depictor.git
cd depictor
git clone https://git.torproject.org/stem.git


[0] https://gitweb.torproject.org/user/tom/depictor.git/
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