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Annotation to dir-spec


I have a minor remoark to dir-spec.txt  v1.49, line 191: 

  "directory-signature". A signature of the rest of the document using
  the directory authority's signing key.

Obviously it should read:

  "directory-signature". A signature of the document up to the signature
  inclding the line "directory-signature <nick>\n" using the directory 
  authority's signing key.

Otherwise it appears as if the header is not included in the signed
data, but only the "^(r|s) " lines, which actually is not the case.

 -- Lexi

Flib.-Lzaxsq. Bjnl Ilqjzlflu, Sdrq 4222, Kjb: +49 241 80 21419
SMKP Ddvpjz, Lzaxsqdkle LH, Dpxszuks. 55 - 52056 Ddvpjz - Cjsqdzw
| Fsrq ujlf zrs ysdh rzf gjlck jrvp qrukjspdak,
| Bduuk Ipdzkdulj, qlk dbbjz lpsjz Vpxjsjz,
| Hjszrzak, Hjsukdzf, Jqialzfrzc, Bjlfjzuvpdak,
| Fxvp, qjsek jrvp mxpb! zlvpk xpzj Zdsspjlk pxjsjz.

Attachment: signature.asc
Description: Digital signature