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[tor-dev] [GSoC] CONIKS for Tor Messenger - 2nd status report

Hi everyone,

This is my second status report on the CONIKS for Tor Messenger project.

During the last two weeks Iâve been working on several things:

1. Continue implementing the Merkle prefix tree module and fix issues
based on comments from Marcela, Arlo and Ismail.
These are still some works need to be done including:
- Using an abstract cryptography library [1] instead of specific primitives
- Add hooks for storage backend [2]. Currently, Iâm discussing with my
mentors (Marcela and Arlo) about how to do it.

2. Spend time to studying current implementation of coname/dename [3,
4]. It would help me so much when I go to implement the CONIKS library
(e.g., the server struct, server config and http front)

3. Work on some other modules of libconiks library (HTTP server and
server config)

4. Implement the Twitter bot for registration protocol. I used a 3rd
client library for Twitter APIs [5]. This bot uses the Twitter
streaming APIs to listen for new coming registration message, as
described in the account verification protocol.

The source code of (3) and (4) is not pushed to the github repo yet
since Iâm still doing on these modules and they are not ready for
integrating into the library.

My focus on two next weeks is mainly to implement the registration
protocol and continue refining the Merkle tree library.


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