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Re: [tor-dev] Questions pertaining to client to directory authority communications

On Sun, May 19, 2013 at 02:40:13PM -0400, Jon Smithe wrote:
> I have been reading through the various tor specifications trying to
> understand how this all works, so please forgive any ignorance of the
> protocol on my part. There seems to be a fair amount of gaps about
> specifically how various communications take place; for instance if we
> consider the very beginning of the communication chain, Directory
> Authorities, we have the dir-spec.txt file which outlines rather well what
> type of information can be retrieved from the directories, but not what
> communication protocol is actually being used.

Yeah -- I'm afraid there's a lot to learn at this point. Perhaps when
you figure out the bootstrapping process to your satisfaction, you'll
write up a summary and then we can correct it as needed and have a better
answer for the next person?

> It appears that the usage of HTTP is fairly inherent, but this seems like
> it is only a partial answer as only some of the trusted authorities seem to
> speak HTTP on the address & port combination compiled into tor

Each directory authority actually has two ports baked into Tor. E.g.,
    "moria1 orport=9101 no-v2 "
      "v3ident=D586D18309DED4CD6D57C18FDB97EFA96D330566 "
      " 9695 DFC3 5FFE B861 329B 9F1A B04C 4639 7020 CE31",

has 9131 as its DirPort (answering naked http requests), and 9101 as
its ORPort (doing the Tor TLS handshake). Note that clients by default
connect to the ORPort and then tunnel their http request through it
(see the 'begindir' relay cell command), both for authentication and to
prevent simple DPI-based blocking.

>, moreover at
> least some of the authorities do not appear to implement the specification
> entirely. For instance, the trusted authority at MIT, 'morial' is listening
> on port 9131, however attempting to retrieve the network status document
> from it via a GET request to /tor/status/all.z results in no output at all.

That's for asking v2 directory questions, not v3.

We disabled it because of

Building what basically amounts to a botnet of old Tors, all clamoring
for obsolete directory information, has certainly proved a learning
experience. :)

> I would assume if this was a matter of needing to connect via SSL that I
> would receive an error due to a bad handshake, but I get nothing back. This
> holds true for at least one of the other trusted authorities listening on a
> non-HTTP related port (turtles). So for those servers, exactly what
> protocol is being used and is it documented anywhere other than the source
> code?

Try the v3 protocol, not the v2 protocol.

I just made

> (tor26 does have the no-v2 flag set which might be the issue?)

(Hm? No it doesn't.)

> So the question is, are there accurate specifications anywhere that focus
> not only on the semantics of cryptography and rationale behind certain
> choices but also the specifics of how exactly the protocol works

I think the specs do a pretty good job of explaining what is supported,
but as you say they don't specify how you should use the protocol.

Some of that is in path-spec.txt.

But see also https://trac.torproject.org/projects/tor/ticket/7106

> I have other questions about aspects of the protocol, but I will  mostly
> save those until I understand the basic blocks of it better. But to
> exemplify somewhat, it does seem that the introduction of guard nodes would
> cause an inverse of desired effect; there appears to be about 1000-1100
> guard nodes versus a several thousand relays, and about 800-900 exit nodes
> so it would seem that mitigating the attack where an attacker controlled C
> number of nodes is essentially pointless as one would only need to control
> a set number of guard and exit nodes and can more or less ignore the relays
> in between, so whereas you needed say C/N nodes previously, one would only
> need Cg/Ng (Cg controlled guards / Ng Number of guards).

It seems you're leaving out Ce/Ne, and/or assuming that the adversary
controls/observes the destination also.

I agree that the guard notion is counterintuitive, and also it's not
perfect, but I think it's way better than not doing it.

> If we then factor
> in that it seems possible that a guard or relay can essentially indirectly
> control the route a circuit takes through the network by continually
> causing cell extensions to fail for all relays and exit nodes that they do
> not control

You might like http://freehaven.net/anonbib/#ccs07-doa
(though it doesn't come with analysis of the guard design, and there's
still some debate about how the guard design changes things).

You might also like Mike Perry's work on Path Bias detection. See
https://trac.torproject.org/projects/tor/ticket/5458 and also look
in the changelog for the string "Bias".

> This seems incredibly reasonable for attackers that have state level
> resources (What is 1,000 computers to China? Iran? ...the United
> States?) and because the algorithm for selecting guards appears to be based
> entirely on stability and bandwidth; metrics we can expect a government to
> have plenty of on hand. I understand that rotation is supposed to ease this
> somewhat, but at least according to the academic paper out of Waterloo that
> Roger co-authored, it would appear that this actually facilitates the
> compromise of more clients than eases the problem, with the most secure (in
> the lab) situation being a single guard. (I understand that in practice
> this will not be realistic as it creates a bottle-neck in a variety of
> ways, e.g. firewalls and DDoS).

1 guard is better than 3 guards in this respect. But both 1 and 3 are
way better than 0.


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