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[tor-dev] Listen to Tor

I recently had a brainstorm at Feast VI, a locally crowd sourced
micro-grant catered dinner where ten artists each pitch their projects
for ten or twelve minutes. The diners vote, and the winner takes home
the gate; this time around it was approximately $1,300.


I edit Wikipedia a lot, and thus am delighted by the ambient music of
Listen to Wikipedia.


So, why not Listen to Tor? More specifically, to a Tor exit node?

I'm a bit surprised that this music of anonymity (so to speak) hasn't,
AFAIK, occurred to anyone else. I recall that Vidalia, long since
deprecated, offered several options for exit node traffic...

So if anyone wants to make aleatoric music from Tor, keep me informed...
Feast VII is, I believe, in September. If you want to pitch generating
art from Tor, that's one venue. And if the basic idea isn't technically
or otherwise feasible, kick it around until it is!

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