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Re: [tor-dev] Sanitizing bridge descriptors containing ed25519 fields

On Fri, May 29, 2015 at 4:23 PM, Karsten Loesing <karsten@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
> Hash: SHA1
> Forwarding from a private thread with Nick.
> - -------- Forwarded Message --------
> Subject: Re: Whoops
> Date: Fri, 29 May 2015 21:20:57 +0200
> From: Karsten Loesing <karsten@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
> To: Nick Mathewson <nickm@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
> Ugh, long mail ahead.  This turns out to be more difficult than
> expected...

Just like life itself!  Never fear, we will solve all problems and
build a better world.

> On 29/05/15 19:29, Nick Mathewson wrote:
>> On Fri, May 29, 2015 at 11:04 AM, Karsten Loesing
>> <karsten@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
>>> Sure!
>>> My main question is which of these new fields we'll have to
>>> sanitize in bridge descriptors.
>>> The current idea of sanitizing bridge identities is that Tonga
>>> would give out server descriptors if you give it a bridge
>>> identity.  We want to avoid that, which is why we're SHA1()'ing
>>> fingerprints and removing cryptographic material.
>>> What about the new identity?  Would we have to sanitize that in
>>> any way?  And if so, would we want to SHA1() it, or is there a
>>> more ed25519y way to do this?
>>> I guess the better question might be: are there plans for Tonga
>>> to give out descriptors if you tell it an ed25519 identity?  If
>>> not, do you see any potential trouble in leaving it unchanged in
>>> sanitized bridge descriptors?
>> I would suggest that we sanitize all the crosscert stuff, and the
>> ed25519 identity, and the ed25519 signing cert.  Does this need to
>> be done using some language I know?  If so I'll be happy to hack
>> it up for you if you point me to the current code that does it.
> Thanks for the offer, really, but if I can, I'd rather want to write
> this code myself once I know what it's supposed to do.  The reason is
> that setting up this code and providing you with sample data might be
> more effort than writing it myself.  Hope that's okay, too.
> Only if you're curious, here's the current code that sanitizes bridge
> descriptors:
> https://gitweb.torproject.org/metrics-db.git/tree/src/org/torproject/ernie/db/bridgedescs/SanitizedBridgesWriter.java
> But feel free to ignore that code, and let's talk conceptually or by
> example.

Okay.  (Sadly for me, it's Java.  I haven't touched Java in about 13
years, and probably shouldn't be trusted with it.)

>> (The authority might someday give out bridges based on this
>> information. Who knows? Not me.  Better to be safe than sorry
>> IMO.)
> Okay.
>> To sanitize an ed25519 identity, i'd suggest SHA256.  Best avoid
>> SHA1.
> Sure, that would work.
> By the way, here's how we're currently sanitizing bridge descriptors:
> https://collector.torproject.org/formats.html#bridge-descriptors
> Following those steps, I'd do the following things (quoting an actual
> bridge descriptor as input here; edit: scrubbed potentially sensitive
> fields, sorry for the linebreaks!):
>> router euler [scrubbed] 8000 0 0 identity-ed25519 -----BEGIN
>> ED25519 CERT----- [scrubbed] -----END ED25519 CERT-----
> Base64-decode that block, throw it into SHA256(), base64-encode the
> result, format as block.  But wouldn't the result be much shorter?
> There's no new "fingerprint" equivalent, like "fingerprint-ed25519",
> is there?

Oh dear.  That blob is a certificate, not a key.  It changes over
time, because the key that it certifies varies over time.

The format is documented in section 2.1 of proposal 220; the actual
identity key is in an extension labeled with type 04 (see section

Maybe we should add a fingerprint-ed25519 line?  It would be
redundant, but maybe valuable.  What do you think?

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