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Re: [tor-dev] Survey on Tor Trac usage and how you manage your tasks

Hi Karsten,

things I didn't answer either don't apply to me for some reason, or I
don't use them (if they're Trac fields) or I have nothing to say  for
other reasons.

On Mon, Aug 22, 2011 at 2:29 PM, Karsten Loesing
<karsten.loesing@xxxxxxx> wrote:

> 1 Using Trac features
> 1.1 Which of the reports (stored ticket queries) do you use most often?

BridgeDB Tickets
GetTor Tickets
Weather Tickets

> 1.2 What are typical custom queries that you run?

Depends. Nothing noteworthy I'd say

> 1.3 How do you use milestones and roadmaps?
> 1.4 Are you subscribed to tor-bugs and/or tor-wiki-changes, and how do
> you use the mails sent to these lists?

I filter tor-bugs mails to look for BridgeDB, GetTor and Weather bugs/updates.

> 1.5 Which wiki pages do you read/edit most often?
> 1.6 How do you search for wiki pages?
> 1.7 What are typical search terms that you use when using the search
> features?
> 1.8 Do you use keywords and the tags page, and if so, what are keywords
> that you typically use?
> 1.9 How relevant are the following ticket fields for you?
> 1.9.1 Reported by


> 1.9.2 Owned by


> 1.9.3 Priority

Somewhat important. This is sometimes used very subjectively by
submitters. "NEEDS TO BE FIXED ASAP OR THE WORLD ENDS!!!!!111eleven"

> 1.9.4 Milestone
> 1.9.5 Component


> 1.9.6 Version
> 1.9.7 Keywords
> 1.9.8 Cc
> 1.9.9 Parent ID
> 1.9.10 Points
> 1.9.11 Actual Points
> 1.10 How relevant are the following ticket statuses for you?
> 1.10.1 accepted
> 1.10.2 assigned


> 1.10.3 closed


> 1.10.4 needs_information
> 1.10.5 needs_review


> 1.10.6 new
> 1.10.7 reopened
> 1.11 What other features do you use in Trac?
> 1.12 What features are you missing in Trac?
> 1.13 What features would you want our Trac not to offer anymore, because
> they're making things only more confusing for you (and for people who
> are new to Tor)?
> 2 Solving typical software development tasks
> Note that the questions below don't just focus on Trac, but on any tools
> or communication media you use for solving a task.
> 2.1 How do you decide what to work on, both when fixing bugs or when
> implementing new features?

By priority, usually putting out the most important fires on one of
the services like BridgeDB/GetTor/Weather. Usually these important
things come up via IRC conversations or Trac tickets. When I'm looking
for work otherwise, I look through Trac.

> 2.2 How do you keep track of what things you're supposed to do for
> sponsors and for when?

Currently doesn't apply to me.

> 2.3 How do you memorize new ideas to work on when they come up?


> 2.4 How do you coordinate working together with someone on something?

Usually via IRC or email.

> 2.5 How do you learn who you could work together with on something?

By chance, IRC or email.

> 2.6 What other software development tasks do you have that may be
> supported by Trac or a Trac-like system?


Hope this helps,
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