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Re: Tor-Browser as Java Web Start App

On Sat, Apr 03, 2010 at 10:56:39PM CEST, Christian Hapke wrote:


> since few days a Tor-capable web browser can be started with
> (almost) one click using Java Web Start technology. Without the need
> to install an additional Tor proxy.
> It would be great to get some feedback!!!
> To start the browser:
> http://silvertunnel.org/Browser/start/
> (an click the launch button)

Great idea :-)

I don't know exactly what would all be possible with WebStart, but is
there a possibility to interact with JavaScript similar as "normal"
Java applets can interact with JS?

> P.S.: Is this mailing list dead or still alive?

Uh, "zombie"? ;-) Since I stopped active contribution to Tor code, my
only contributions can be passive -- sorry for that.

Cheers! Keep up the great work!


Re. Otwa Magtcarap, aRtd HgxQ, Pmazqtecpue. 73, 50672 Njtoc
YH Njtoc QEX 58720, Htpzqytiupiftqefch: Gazqyto Gteutcp
| Qyxt cfc, yzq! Mqaojpjmqat, Kfeaputeta fcr Gtrasac,
| Fcr otarte yfzq Uqtjojhat!  Rfezqyfp pufrateu, gau qtapptg Xtgftqc.
| Ry putq azq cfc, azq yegte Uje!  Fcr xac pj nofh yop bat sfdje;