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Re: [tor-relays] firewall ports needed to run a middle relay

If you have fiber to the home or another symmetrical speed broadband connection (like some wireless ISPs like Webpass), you may have a lot of upstream speed. In this case it's perfect for Tor relays. If you do, invest in a good router with a big enough NAT table if you don't have one, flash custom firmware if your router supports it and is powerful enough, or reuse your old desktop as a pfSense box. I have Verizon FiOS FTTH and use a Linksys WRT1900AC running OpenWRT instead of a Verizon gateway.

Some ISPs may force you to use their router, like AT&T in some parts of the US who forces 802.X authentication to use VDSL/FTTH that is only spoken on their router.

But your uplink probably is crappy if you have cable, DSL, or fixed wireless.




On 2019-04-25 17:48, nusenu wrote:
I need to move to a new router, which, unlike the old Verizon home
router, doesn't have a quick DMZ host to which I attach the tor
telay's local ip address.  So I think I need to do port forwarding,
and for that what rules do I need? My torrc config has: ControlPort
9052 ORPort 8443 DirPort 8080

So I forwarded 8443 and just in case, 8080. But the number of my
connexions kept dropping, so I put it back in the DMZ and it started
getting new ones again.  Trying to figure out if I screwed up the
config gui, or if I need to add other ports.  Did I miss a port?

Forwarding the ORPort and DirPort (if you set one) is all you need
but home broadband uplinks frequently are not made for the amount of
concurrent sessions a tor relay usually has to handle.
So failures might still happen even if you setup the port-forwarding
part correctly.
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