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Re: [tor-relays] let's make ContactInfo mandatory for exits (and warn others)

On 4/24/21 12:11 PM, nusenu wrote:
* tor 0.4.7: no longer assign the exit flag to relays not having a ContactInfo (< 5 chars) in their descriptor.
	     Log a warning for relay operators,

I've opened 1-2 dozen ports - except 80 sand 443 at 2 relays.
So I do not have the Exit flag.
Nevertheless I see about 100 exit connections at 2 relays here and do
wonder now if opening those ports is ok and which types of clients use
them ?

Here're the data of one of the relays got with [1]

ORport 9051   uptime: 7-19:57:56   flags: Fast, Guard, HSDir,
Running, Stable, V2Dir, Valid

| Type                         | IPv4 | IPv6 |
| Inbound to our OR from relay | 1899 |  260 |
| Inbound to our OR from other | 3361 |   32 |
| Inbound to our ControlPort   |    1 |      |
| Outbound to relay OR         | 4770 |  956 |
| Outbound to relay non-OR     |    1 |      |
| Outbound exit traffic        |   56 |    9 |
| Outbound unknown             |   10 |      |
| Total                        | 10098 | 1257 |

| Exit Port                    | IPv4 | IPv6 |
| 53 (DNS)                     |    1 |      |
| 563 (NNTPS)                  |    2 |      |
| 853                          |    2 |      |
| 5222 (Jabber)                |   31 |    5 |
| 5223 (Jabber)                |    7 |      |
| 6667 (IRC)                   |    5 |    2 |
| 6697 (IRC)                   |    8 |    2 |
| Total                        |   56 |    9 |

[1] https://github.com/toralf/torutils/blob/master/info.py
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