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[tor-relays] Sizing, Pricing, Effect

[Hypothetical part below]
   We have been involved with our ISP and there may ( discussions will have to wait until after summer vacation is over when we can find real numbers and answers) but it looks as if it'd cost us ~800€ / month to go from ~1GBit to 10GBit connection.

  If funding was available, this would be 9.5 GBit dedicated to Tor as Exit node + relays depending on what needs people have.
[End hypothetical]

Even without funding, we are still looking at transforming (some) of our existing relay nodes into Exit nodes, and there's a few practical questions here.

Would you rather have several smaller ones, spread out via DHCP allocated ranges,  or is it preferrable to have one or a handful of "larger" exit nodes?

  D.S.  Ljungmark

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