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Re: [tor-relays] Raspberry Pi Relay Node Performance and future Plans on Documentation and more

Hello all,

For any Raspberry Pi Tor node operators breathlessly following this
thread :P I succeeded in building on the Pi.  We will see
how it performs now vs the circuit creation storms.

me too on the pi with kernel 3.6.11, using this source:
it took 32 minutes to configure and compile (make && make install).

This is not a simple Debian-type binary package install, as the
packages present in the Tor Project experimental repos are built for
*Debian* wheezy - that is, ARMv7 - and not *Raspbian* which was built
to support the ARMv6 CPU on the Pi.

I'm wondering, is there any other method for running a tor bridge/relay on
the raspberry pi, other than downloading the source and compiling it

Is it possible for the Tor project to make an extra option on the page
with instructions for people to run a bridge/relay on the Pi? I think it will help people not to spend time on installing the experimental wheezy
package for the ARMv7 architecture.


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