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Re: [tor-relays] OnionTip.com distributes Bitcoin donations to all BTC addresses set in ContactInfo

After just a few days the tor nodes containing a bitcoin address in their ContactInfo more than doubled, right now there are 205 nodes in the list which represend more than 8% of the consensus. Now about 180 US$ have been donated.

Imagine the amount donated to the noisetor bitcoin address [1] would be distributed in this fair and transparent way to many tor relay operators via OnionTip.com!

Is it already discussed by organisations like torservers.net or noisetor or even torproject directly to use this fair and easy mechanism to compensate relay operators? What about other founders wanting to finance Tor relays?

[1] https://blockchain.info/address/1PFH8NPWu2g6TdRQsirTPGpbnPBhkzQMvM

Am 2014-08-10 14:32, schrieb ban@xxxxxxxxx:

apparently this hasn't been discussed here yet.
About a month ago, Donncha O'Cearbhaill build https://oniontip.com/
during the Dublin Bitcoin Hackathon.
It is a webapp which automatically extracts all Bitcoin addresses set
in the ContactInfo variable of the torrc and distributes Bitcoin
donations based on the consensus weight.

There are already 100+ relays listed which represent around 5% of the
total consensus weight. In just a few weeks they distributed around
125 US$.

There are many other theoretical ways to provide compensation to tor
relay operators (see
but I really like this very simple and practical approach.

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