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Re: [tor-relays] BWauth no-consensus state in effect

On Wed, 5 Aug 2015 10:58:30 +0100
Tim Sammut <tim@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:

> That said, it raises the partially-rhetorical question: should I spend
> my $x/month on running a relay or could that money be better used in
> other places?

Generally depends on if you are getting a good deal on bandwidth, i.e. how
many terabytes per month for your $x. But I see you are running a relay in
Costa Rica, where servers and bandwidth must be much more expensive than e.g.
in Europe. I'm not sure how useful a relay in an exotic location, if it's
expensive to run and pushes very little traffic. Maybe others can comment.

BTW one way to increase utilization if you can't seem to use the CPU or
bandwidth to their fullest extent, is to run two instances of Tor per one IPv4
(assuming you have at least 512 MB of RAM per instance on the server, i.e. at
least 1GB for two).

With respect,

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