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Re: [tor-relays] IPv6 vs IPv4 exit policies

If I recall correctly: Policies with '*' for the address count as both
ipv4 and v6 policies, it is possible to use for v4 and [::] (I
think) for v6-specfic policies.

> Hi,
> I just activated IPv6 support for my two exit relays today, but I do
> not unterstand/misconfigured the exit policies.
> I just want to open certain ports at IPv4 (the common known reduced
> exit policy) and open all Ports at IPv6 except 25. How do I configure
> such a thing?
> Current sample config is:
> [snip]
> IPv6Exit 1
> ExitPolicy accept6 *:*
> ExitPolicy reject6 *:25
> [full reduced exitpolicies snipped out]
> ExitPolicy accept *:50002 # Electrum Bitcoin SSL
> ExitPolicy accept *:64738 # Mumble
> ExitPolicy reject *:*
> But at Globe only this is visible:
> https://globe.torproject.org/#/relay/F5B1FC9038A5A65FF16D6729AAB2AEDD67F
> D2F2A
> https://globe.torproject.org/#/relay/D9D7A9C203C99945D0DCBD545A20C0CB936
> 7C742
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