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Re: [tor-relays] Calling for more Exit Relays

Well met,

This comes back to my suggestion of having people in the community come together that have different strengths to get some more strong exits going. Sharif is primarily concerned about lack of time managing the abuse and such from the exit node, and my primary concern is spending money on what's ultimately a donation to a cause when I could be selfishly spending it on my student loans.

If people like Sharif and I got together to jointly run nodes as Owner/Operator, I think we could really expand the community in both infrastructure and people.


On 21.8.15 8:21, Sharif Olorin wrote:
I'd like to operate an exit node[0],
my chief concern being lack of time. The only reason I can operate
relays at all is by automating everything I can; I've considered things
like writing an autoresponder to a prominent abuse email address which
delivers the standard exit-node boilerplate appended with a contact
address in case followup is necessary, but I have no idea how
effective that would be - any thoughts would be welcome.


[0] I prefer not to contribute funds in lieu of operating relays; it's
    tempting, but operator diversity is important.

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