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Re: [tor-relays] Any IP allocations available out there?

> On 26 Aug 2017, at 20:38, Paul Templeton <paul@xxxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
>> If you're interested in becoming your own ISP (obtaining your own ASN,
>> IPv6 and IPv4 scopes), you'll need to apply via APNIC, as I did in the
>> US with ARIN. Here is an example:
> Would if I could - but here in AU you have to log all metadata for two years if you are an ISP.
> I either listen to what others have stated and host overseas or host overseas...
> I might be able to get a 20/20Mbs fibre for AU$250 - Just waiting to find out if they have data caps or not.
> Thanx all for your input.
> Paul
> PS - whats more important - More bandwidth for exit nodes or a faster presence in AU???

Tor clients will be faster if there is more exit bandwidth in the

"Where?" is a complicated question.

Australia has high overseas latency, high bandwidth costs, and metadata
retention. But I know of cases where the jurisdictional arbitrage has
been convenient.


Tim Wilson-Brown (teor)

teor2345 at gmail dot com
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