Yes, correct. In general in my calculations I took into account worst-case scenarios to see the worst-case result. Realistically I would believe this to be an opt-in, so way way way fewer websites have it, and not see a significant bandwidth increase from Tor to Cloudflare, because of the above. People who used TBB, will keep using TBB. No more people will probably come from this. In general, the only thing I would worry about would be the HSDir size increase, NOT the bandwidth or circuits, or similar.. Also, I don’t think Cloudflare spent so much time in engineering, just to take down Tor.. If they really wanted to do this, they could have done it in “cheaper” ways.. They spent the time so this can work, so they already (probably) took into account the load that will be placed on the network, and determined it to be bearable.. (I hope so :P) Antonis
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