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[Newbie] Installed relay, but no traffic


I installed Tor (v0.2.1.26) on Linux yesterday. As far as I know, I configured it to be a relay. The log ends with

Dec 05 18:15:05.509 [notice] Bootstrapped 100%: Done.
Dec 05 18:15:05.509 [notice] Now checking whether ORPort and DirPort are reachable... (this may take up to 20 minutes -- look for log messages indicating success) Dec 05 18:15:13.761 [notice] Self-testing indicates your DirPort is reachable from the outside. Excellent. Dec 05 18:16:06.835 [notice] Self-testing indicates your ORPort is reachable from the outside. Excellent. Publishing server descriptor. Dec 05 18:16:18.602 [notice] Your DNS provider gave an answer for "pmsxxrb3tc7t4", which is not supposed to exist. Apparently they are hijacking DNS failures. Trying to correct for this. We've noticed 1 possibly bad address so far.
Dec 05 18:22:14.185 [notice] Performing bandwidth self-test...done.

which appears to be correct (Comcast is screwing with DNS).

However, I don't see any "unexpected" traffic on etherape. I am not using it myself (I just wanted to add a relay to the system) and am on a cable modem with dynamic IP (which is tied to acooke.dyndns.org).

Have I done something wrong?  Is it normal to have no traffic?

Also, what is a suitable value for the bandwidth setting? This is just a "normal" residential Comcast cable modem in CT (the Linux box is connected to the cable modem on one NIC; a wifi router running as a simple hub is connected to another NIC; other computers in the house use wifi routed through this box. It's running opensuse 11.3)

Thanks, and apologies in advance if I am doing something dumb.