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Re: [tor-relays] arm client locale stats on connection page

Hi Klaus. The client count dialog works as follows:

- If we are running as a bridge we prepopulate the number of clients
we've seen per locale by calling "GETINFO status/clients-seen". If we
aren't then we don't start with any results.

- Whenever we get a new inbound connection that can't be identified as
a relay we increment the number of people we've seen from that locale.
If we're a guard then this isn't quite right since the inbound
connection might be a bridge, but from the guard's perspective they
should be one and the same.

> Node A - nothing happens

This happens because you're neither a bridge nor do you have the Guard
flag, so it doesn't make sense for you to be receiving client

> Node B - the window with the client locale stats is displayed


> Node C - a message "Usage stats aren't available yet, press any key..." is displayed

That happens when there aren't any stats to be displayed - maybe
clients aren't using you?

Cheers! -Damian
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