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Re: [tor-relays] Changing ulimit for debian-tor
Where can I read about the conditions to get the guard flag ?
Jeremy Olexa:
> On Thu, Dec 11, 2014 at 2:56 AM, LluÃs <msl12@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
>> Hello everyone,
>>> Tor can generally raise the limits itself, though, when started as
>>> root. Can you post the error message that caused you to ask this
>>> question ?
>> There's no error message, I followed this thread:
>> "Tor Server - DDOS or High Load"
>> there were talking about ulimits and I checked mine.
>> I also have to confess that there is no
>> rc_ulimit="-n NNNNNN"
>> option in my torrc file.
>>> and tell us how you start Tor?
>> I start tor as the "debian-tor" user and with the delivered tools,
>> that is:
>> /etc/init.d/tor start
>> Besides that, it seems to be very difficult for my relay (nickname
>> ione) to get the "guard" flag, and I wondered if it may have any
>> relation.
> You are setting your BandwidthRate to 256K - it will never get the
> Guard flag. If you raise the rate limiting, it might get the flag in
> time (if the bandwidth rate is higher than a critical number of nodes)
> -Jeremy
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