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[tor-relays] Weird issue caused downtime of my relay

Hello Everyone, 

I run a tor exit relay named "rippedlion". I was out for vacation past few days and saw I had a 2 day downtime. I had a look at the logs and apparently /var/lib/tor got detected to be owned as <unknown>? How do I prevent this in future?  

Snippet from notices.log:

Dec 08 06:54:57.000 [warn] Tried to establish rendezvous on non-OR circuit with purpose Acting as rendevous (pending)
Dec 08 06:56:25.000 [warn] Tried to establish rendezvous on non-OR circuit with purpose Acting as rendevous (pending)
Dec 08 07:00:21.000 [warn] /var/lib/tor is not owned by this user (root, 0) but by <unknown> (112). Perhaps you are running Tor as the wrong user?
Dec 08 07:00:21.000 [err] Can't create/check datadirectory /var/lib/tor
Dec 08 07:00:21.000 [err] Unable to update Ed25519 keys!  Exiting.

PS: I am now running tor; as a low privledged user that only has access to /var/lib/tor and /var/log/tor. 

Regardless, I hope you're well and happy -
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