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Re: [tor-relays] tor cpu / MBit/s benchmarks

On 4 Feb 2018, at 07:55, George <george@xxxxxxxxxx> wrote:


I'd like to collect some samples for how many MBit/s on a single tor daemon
are possible on given CPU model before it is limited by the CPU.

If your single tor daemon routes more than 350 MBit/s in each direction
and you are running on bare metal it would be awesome if you could share your
- CPU model (ideally a link to ark.intel.com if it is an intel cpu)
- avg. daily CPU usage (ie. from munin graphs)
- actual traffic (MBit/s)
- optional: relay fingerprint

+OS would be wonderful.

You can test how much Tor traffic your machine can handle with chutney:

git clone https://git.torproject.org/chutney.git
# Pass 100 MB of random data through a 3-hop tor path on your local machine
chutney/tools/test-network.sh --data-bytes 104857600

Chutney runs a Tor client, 3 relays, and a python script, so your results will
be slightly lower than the maximum. But they are much more reproducible,
because they don't depend on your network connection.

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