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Re: [tor-relays] 1 circuit using 1.5Gig or ram? []

Hi David,

On 12 Feb 2018, at 20:44, David Goulet wrote:

On 12 Feb (20:09:35), Stijn Jonker wrote:

Hi all,

So in general and running on two nodes
without any connection limits on the iptables firewall seems to be a lot
more robust against the recent increase in clients (or possible [D]DoS). But
tonight for a short period of time one of the relays was running a bit "hot"
so to say.

Only to be greated by this log entry:
Feb 12 18:54:55 tornode2 Tor[6362]: We're low on memory (cell queues total
alloc: 1602579792 buffer total alloc: 1388544, tor compress total alloc:
1586784 rendezvous cache total alloc: 489909). Killing circuits
withover-long queues. (This behavior is controlled by MaxMemInQueues.)
Feb 12 18:54:56 tornode2 Tor[6362]: Removed 1599323088 bytes by killing 1
circuits; 39546 circuits remain alive. Also killed 0 non-linked directory

Wow... 1599323088 bytes is insane. This should _not_ happen for only 1
circuit. We actually have checks in place to avoid this but it seems they
either totally failed or we have a edge case.

Yeah it felt a "bit" much. A couple megs I wouldn't have shared :-)

Can you tell me what scheduler were you using (look for "Scheduler" in the
notice log).

The schedular always seems to be KIST (never played with it/tried to change it)
Feb 11 19:58:24 tornode2 Tor[6362]: Scheduler type KIST has been enabled.

Any warnings in the logs that you could share or everything was normal?

Besides that ESXi host gave an alarm about CPU usage, nothing odd in the logs around that time I could find.
The general syslog logging worked both locally on the host and remote as the hourly cron jobs surround this entry.

Finally, if you can share the OS you are running this relay and if Linux, the
kernel version.

Debian Stretch, Linux tornode2 4.9.0-5-amd64 #1 SMP Debian 4.9.65-3+deb9u2 (2018-01-04) x86_64 GNU/Linux
not sure it matters, but ESXi based VM, running with 2 vCPU's based on i5-5300U, 4 Gig of memory

No problems, happy to squash bugs. I guess one of the "musts" when running Alpha code, although this might not be alpha related (I can't judge).


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