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Re: [tor-relays] torservers internet connection

> All the 60MB are to the torservers,
> There are 2 tor exit servers with a Bandwidth limit: 14.6 MB/s, burst: 29.3 MB/s.
> Is this a god ide to setup bandwith limit to 30MB/s ?

Depends on your hardware. What is your avg. CPU usage?
Would you add tor instances on the same server or on additional hardware?

> You can see here
> https://atlas.torproject.org/#search/torgate

From the graphs one can see that these exits are relatively new (~1 month)
and have been down recently (TorGate1 is currently not in consensus/down as of 2018-02-15 12:00:00 UTC).

And the bandwidth history show relatively small values <3MByte/s.


I would say, wait and see what bandwidth your current setup can use before adding more tor instances at the same internet 

I hope you are not running exits from home.

twitter: @nusenu_

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