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Re: [tor-relays] Consensus Weight Dropping/Authority Issues?

The rating shift experienced by your relays and many others is likely a consequence of the gradual phase-in of the SBWS scanner implementation in place of TorFlow.  I for one find SWBS unimpressive.

>I have been watching the consensus weight and bandwidth of all of my 50 exit nodes drop consistently over the past few months. I have not made any hardware changes in my data center and actual 
>customers have not complained about any performance issues.
>Operating systems and Tor version are up to date. I'm dedicating a significant portion of bandwidth to these nodes - 10gbit/sec.
>Am I having issues with the bandwidth authorities?
>I'm growing frustrated with my performance to resources ratio, I should be doing far better than this.
>Please throw ideas at me - open to any ideas.
>Quintex Alliance Consulting

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