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Re: [tor-relays] Please help us find a working alternative to using MaxMind's GeoLite2 databases

Sorry for the reply here. I am in an endless cycle of:

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and capture solving does not really work. 

Checking my relays its hard to tell what is correct. As a German IXC I do own the IPs but the servers are in the Netherlands. If you prefer the ownership of the IPs Maxmind is correct with Germany, if you prefer where the actual servers are the new one is correct. Pick your poison :) At least the new one has my new AS, so I am a happy bunny after all. 


On 12. Feb 2020, at 16:05, Karsten Loesing <karsten@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:

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Hi relay operators,

as you might have heard, MaxMind has changed access and use of their
GeoLite2 databases:


This affects Onionoo and tor, and I'm trying to find a working
alternative on the following ticket:


Today I think I found a possible alternative by using data from another
provider. But before I name it here, I'd first want to find out how
accurate it is.

I tried resolving relay IP addresses of relays that have been running in
the past week and compared that to our existing lookups using MaxMind's
October database.

The result is that 7669 relays (93%) had the same country code and ASN.

I put the remaining 7% on the following wiki page:


I'd like to hear from you which data source is right and which is wrong
(or if both are wrong).

If you'd like to help, please leave comments on the ticket or in the
"Comment" column on that wiki page by February 19, 2020.

Thanks for helping!

All the best,

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