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Re: [tor-relays] Would you place your secrets or in worst case make your life
On Mon, Feb 17, 2020 at 11:53:28AM +1000, teor wrote:
> > On 13 Feb 2020, at 22:05, zwiebeln <zwiebeln@xxxxxxxxx> wrote:
> >
> > depended on a network that is 21 percent controlled by a single person
> > that you don't know?
I agree that it's not best.
But I'll turn it around, and point out that many systems (e.g. most VPNs)
are centralized, that is, the number is 100 percent.
(You might turn it back around and say that VPNs are companies and you
have an agreement with them so nothing will go wrong. That's a good
point too, though that trust should only go so far. It's not clear to
me which one is the shakier argument. :)
> "Let's encourage people to run more relays."
> [...] ultimately, if we doubled tor's exit bandwidth, this issue would
> go away. That's the best solution to this problem.
Though, hm. In the sense that Tor's security comes down to probabilities,
it's not obvious that 20% of the network is much worse than 10% of the
network. Let's say there is some activity which you do periodically, and
you're worried that some relay-running adversary will be in a position to
observe your traffic and learn about your activity ("watch an exit stream
as it leaves the Tor network", "be chosen as your guard" etc). The actual
probabilities depend on the specific attack we're talking about, but I can
imagine some situations where the 20% relay operator is twice as likely
to be in a position to do the attack compared to the 10% relay operator.
So for recurring behavior, that might be equivalent to saying that the 10%
relay operator takes twice as long to succeed at the attack compared to
the 20% relay operator. That multiplier doesn't seem like a substantial
(qualitative) difference. Or said another way, if I'm not comfortable
with the 20% attacker, I shouldn't be much more comfortable with the
10% attacker.
This analysis reminds me of the discussion from the "Users Get Routed"
where the aim is to choose the best parameters to slow down probabilistic
attacks for as long as possible.
Centralization definitely makes me uncomfortable, but as you say, we also
have to worry about centralization of where traffic goes between relays,
centralization of undersea cables, centralization inside countries, etc.
It's times like this where I wish the world knew how to do mixing with
streams. That is, there is a whole field out there on how to build
stronger anonymity designs, based on mix-nets, but nobody knows how to
do that safely when users generate flows of messages rather than just
a single message.
> I'll also ask our new Network Health team to consider the risk of
> large operators and large ASes. Hopefully they can recommend some
> changes to the bandwidth authorities (or sbws maintainers).
I definitely think there is a role to be played here by improved bandwidth
scanners. I'm thinking of the tor-relay thread about the quintex relays:
where they're slowly losing their consensus weights, despite having
plenty of capacity, and nobody understands why. Making sure that people
who want to contribute a lot of bandwidth can actually do it is really
important. So I do continue to think that accurate consensus weights are
a huge piece of usefully moving forward here, which is why I told GeKo
that in my opinion that's the #1 priority item for the network health
team to get a handle on.
And then, once we have some confidence in our bandwidth weights, that's
a great point to start exploring reducing centralization -- along several
axes, not just relay operator concentration.
But even then, we would want to do it carefully. For example, let's say
we declare that no relay family should get more than 10% of the total
consensus weight for any relay role (guard, exit, etc). By adopting a
policy like that, we could accidentally *increase* the total weight that
actual bad relays receive, thus providing yet another incentive for
attackers to assign their families incorrectly.
See also the tickets on whether MyFamily is a harmful idea, because
it pulls traffic away from honest relay operators and sends it to
dishonest ones:
So in summary: (a) yes we should get more relays and more capacity, and
(b) yes it is super important for us to get better at making the consensus
weights accurate and predictable and well-understood, but also (c) there
are a bunch of interconnected reasons why these two steps are important
to do, and I think "help relay operators contribute and feel good about
it" is much more urgent than, and ultimately a more productive fix, for
"omg one family is currently 17% of the network."
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