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[tor-relays] DNSEL (exit relays list) service changes


In order to simplify the operation of the Tor DNS exit list service,
which is used to identify if a connection is from a Tor exit relay, I am
planning to remove the features that filter by exit policy.

We recommend that if you are running an exit relay then you should
dedicate an IP address to that and not be using it for other activities.
As such, I do not think this is going to affect exit relay operators as
exit relays are unlikely to be talking to services that their exit
policy does not allow talking to anyway.

Still I am asking here to make sure that this change isn't going to have
any serious negative effects.

Has any operator deliberately excluded anything from their exit policy
in order to have TorDNSEL report to service operators that the
connection is not from an exit relay?


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