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Re: [tor-relays] Disappointing AUP - (was Re: DDOS?)
Are you only seeking providers outside of the U.S.?
I've been using PhoenixNAP for the last two years and am very happy with their services. It's a dedicated server provider located in the United States, but they are still very affordable. I've contacted them in the past about running a TOR exit relay, and they said they had no problems with it.
The only thing they warned me about is that if they received too many legal/DMCA complaints in a short time span, they may end up asking me to disable the service, but they wouldn't disable my service abruptly.
The really great thing about PhoenixNAP is that their data rates are very affordable. I run a non-tor related website that processes up to 35TB of bandwidth a month. Minus the cost of the server itself, all that bandwidth only runs me $45 ($10 for a 1Gbps line plus $1/month per 1TB of bandwidth).
Feel free to review their services and contact them directly with any questions you have. If you do decide to use them, I would greatly appreciate you using my affiliate link. It helps me keep the bills paid >_<.
But if you feel that it's a false incentive, you in no way have to.
On 12/31/12 10:52, mick wrote:
> On Mon, 31 Dec 2012 15:03:46 +0000
> Daniel Case <danielcase10@xxxxxxxxx> allegedly wrote:
>> This might be a bit of a shameless plug, but I used to use bitfolk (
>> bitfolk.com) - they have a generous allowance of bandwidth and allow
>> tor as long as you set it up correctly.
> Daniel
> I looked at bitfolk a while ago. They don't offer nearly enough
> transfer for a tor node or for my tails mirror (I want at least 1TB per
> month for each of them).
> For my own domestic usage (email/web server) I need a good solid stable
> provider and have been with bytemark for several years (most latterly on
> bigv.io). They are rock solid (and I have run a tor node with them in
> the past) but they don't offer the bandwidth I need at the price I am
> prepared to pay either. (Two reasonably high bandwidth VPS at bytemark
> prices would come to around 100 UKP per month (say 160 USD per month).
> Call me cheap, but I do this for free.
> Mick
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